Carlos M. Scavuzzo
National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Carlos Marcelo Scavuzzo, Ph-D in Physics from the University of Cordoba on atmospheric physic and cloud modelling, with a Post-Doctorate degree at Ecole Polytecnique of Paris, France. At present he is a Professor at the National University of Cordoba, Argentina, and part of the disaster response team in the Argentinean space Agency. He develops his teaching activity at under-graduate and postgraduate courses for Physics and Computer science at the Faculty of Physics (Famaf, UNC). He has offered numerous courses on remote sensing applied to health issues at the Gulich Institute as well as at international meetings. He has published resource material for under-graduate and postgraduate courses, including a tutorial Book for the course “Estadística Aplicada ao Sensoreamento Remoto”. Since 1997 he was in charge of health application to human health program of the National Commission on Space Activities, developing an active task of scientific and pedagogic releases in addition to establish operatives programs in cooperation with the National Health Minister. He was Head of the Space Applications area at the Argentinean Space Agency from 2008 to 2013 with a strong focus on issues related to SAR images and Natural Disaster Management applications. He is co-founder of the Panamerican Tele-Epidemiology Group. Since 2010 he’s Head of the Advanced International Training School on this subject, whose latest edition was held at the Gulich Institute on May 2014. From its creation in 2007 to 2014 he was a head of the first postgraduate program of the Argentinean Space Agency on Emergencies Early Warning Response Space Applications.